Friday, 28 March 2008

Girl Geek Dinner Sydney #2

Instead of having dozens of different geek girl groups, Girl Geek Dinner Sydney intends to bring all the fabulous women working in IT together regularly.

The next event is on Thursday the 17th of April.

Register and come along and enjoy an evening with lots of fantastic women.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Next Lunch

HI All,

We agreed that the next lunch would be at Cafe Sydney :,151.211357&sspn=0.01331,0.027616&ie=UTF8&latlng=-33862198,151210857,320791929461500995&ei=5rHpR_rtIprYigHtxNjLAg&cd=1 but i don't have a definite date, maybe April 4th maybe April 11th?? Hui? you were going to book it I think.

I hope to see lots of the gang there again.


Sunday, 9 March 2008

IWD lunch in Sydney

Well almost by accident we had our inaugural Sydney Nrrd Grrls lunch for International Women's Day last Friday. A good turn out with 8 nrrd grrls in attendance.

Now for some ideas about what comes next?